Finally Back

So, I’m back. Where was I? No where special, just decided to stop writing for a while. Not that I didn’t have any ideas. far from it, I had to many. The decision was made to refocus, finish one project before starting another.

In Bears and Eagles, I go from the 19th century to the 21st century. With the Windriders, I’m going from 21st century Earth to who nows when some where else. In Cal’s Quest, I’m in an alternate reality. I am also writing a spy thriller type thing. Kind of hard to keep jumping around all the time in different genres, characters and worlds.

Then add, editing, re-writes, never ending copy edits, organizing book formatting and covers, publishing etc. In order to cover the most bases that I can, I publish threw 2 sources. One source is e-book focused, the other, does both print and e-book. Both companies cover the same sources and sources that are unique to the company. this adds another level of work as I don’t want to double up on submitting to resellers from different sources.

On a positive note, the eighth and final novel in the Bears and Eagles saga is nearing publication. A final round of proof edit, adding title, copywrite and table of contents will be finished soon. Then off for formatting for print and e-book and lastly book cover.

Stay tuned for title and cover reveal.
